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Phase 1
The developmental cycle of a child starts from conception, when the mother conceives a child. Children develop in cycles from conception and approximately 7 years’ cycles, through-out each of this cycles, they have certain characteristics which need to be respected if we want to promote the full development of their different potential. Both the parents have a responsibility to ensure that the child is surrounded by too much of positive energy, a peaceful joyful environment with a standard routine is important to the developing child.
Note: Children Education is primarily for the parents so they can teach the children. It is advisable for parents to follow these courses together with the children.
Module 1: 1-7 Years
History, Culture Tradition
Computer Basics
Day to day personal hygiene
Activities & Manual Skills
Learning by Observation or Imitation
Exposure to the Environment and Nature
Module 2: 7-14 years
History, Art & Culture Pt 1
History, Art & Culture Pt 2
Module 3: 14-21 years
Adolescent responsibility
Master a skill
The 5 Ds
Pyramid of needs
Module 4: 21+ Years
Being Independent & Interdependent